Farm Cove Observatory 

        Pakuranga, Auckland, New Zealand

     Long: E 174º 53' 39"  Lat: S 36º 53' 43" 

                    IAU Obs Code E85


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  Jennie McCormick 


Interested ?

2007 - Possible tool use by an Australian Magpie. Ornithological Society of New Zealand.

Notornis, Volume 54: (4), 2007 page 117


2006 - July 7, 1999

The Taranaki Daylight Fireball. WGN - Journal of the International Meteor organisation.

IMO WGN, Volume 345, McCormick - Fireball page 135-142


2006 - CCD Astronomy from a small observatory in a large city.  Society for Astronomical Science Conference Proceedings. SAS 2006, page 3-8


2005 - Trials and Tribulations of an Amateur Astronomer. Southern Stars, Volume 44, Number 3, Sept 2005


2004 - Auckland Meteorite. New Zealand Astronomical Yearbook 2005.


2003 - Whispers from the Shelves, article about the rare book collection owned by the Auckland Astronomical Society & Auckland Observatory.


2002 - In the Dark, an Amateurs contribution. Southern Stars, Volume 41, Number 3, Sept 2002




 * Sole owner and operator of Farm Cove Observatory since 2002

 * Member Auckland Astronomical Society for 22 years

 * Member of the Royal Astronomical Society of New Zealand (RASNZ)

 * Global coordinator of the IYA 2009 100 Hours of Astronomy Event

 * Enjoy writing, photography, growing veg and a good bottle of wine

 * Have a special interest in Fireballs, Meteorites, Minerals, Fossils & wildlife

 Pictures of Interest

Auckland Meteorite - 1.3kg Unverified

'Ordinary Chondrite" Now owned by Auckland Museum and  officially on display somewhere in the building.

 Good luck trying to find it!

Male Magpie Chick at Auckland Observatory 2006. This was one of two fledglings from the family the 2007 short note in Notornis (see above) was written about. Amazingly clever birds with real personality. They are certainly not as bad as NZ Forest and Bird make them out to be.
Partial Solar Eclipse  7 Feb 2008, taken at FCO through a 6" Brewster Angle Solar Telescope with a Canon Powershot camera held up to the 25mm eyepiece Orange High Pressure Sodium Lights installed ~1.6km from FCO. Manukau City Council refuses to shield these lights, even though the light trespass is breaking their own rules and street lighting guidelines.
Visited Big Bear Lakes for the SAS conference in June 2006 and hunted out the famous Big Bear Solar Observatory only to find the sign said "closed for summer!"

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